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Tenza Di Boss Lady Shines At Iwada Womens Seminar In Spain

International Reggae/Dancehall superstar Tenza di boss lady delivered an emotional but telling speech at the International Woman Against Domestic Abuse/Women Power seminar in Benidorm Spain.

The weeklong event which as being organised by the IWADA, was gear towards empowering women to take action and stand up for their rights to be independent, with the theme “ Let’s Be Strong Am a Strong Woman”. The event see a number of top motivational female speakers and life coaches from around the world gather in one place and one accord to with an aim of delivering training and empowering teaching to venerable females from around the world.

Tenza delivered her speech under the theme “The War Is On”, The Boss Lady attacks the global issues of female genital mutualisation and child marriages, which brought several members of the audience to tears, she went on in her speech letting the ladies know not because they might have suffer domestic abuse it does not mean the death penalty or the end of the road for them.

Tenza challenges them to make a stand, break free from the shackles of abuse and be a shining light to others, so that they don’t suffer the same faith as they have endured in their past life’s.

Tenza encourage and educates in her speech, telling her fellow females to take great pride, respect and love themselves, while reminding them that it’s the only way they will ever gain respect of the opposite sex.

At the end of her 30min speech Tenza made a master piece cover of Bob Marley’s “no woman no cry” along with her own tracks Boss lady and the war is on to complete a very emotionally charge session.

Tenza is set to remain in Spain for other engagements at the seminar before returning to the UK for a short break then off to Sweden and Denmark to continue her spring tour 2014 of Europe.

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