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Amaziyah creating waves

Multi-award-winning Spanish Town-based entertainer/film-maker Craig Kirkland aka Amaziyah The Great recently received some international attention on the United Kingdom's leading Internet radio station SFDCradio.com for his track Dancehall Poetry.

SFDCradio, has more than two million listeners and fans were asked to vote on the Power Play 10 chart, where Amaziyah The Great came in second place with 8,240 votes. First place went to UK-based Jamaican artiste Hya P, who won by two points with the track Ghetto Pain. Third was Miss Straight from Austria. On the chart were D'Angel, Delly Ranks, Biggaton, Villa Dutch, Natur, and others.

"Since this Power Play 10 chart, I can admit that the reception is quite awesome," Amaziyah The Great said. "Dancehall Poetry is now being promoted in Africa, Europe, Jamaica, the Caribbean, Canada, the USA, all over the world. Plans are currently in process for me to perform on the UK Showtime, a show with local and international artistes, set for early 2016." Dancehall Poetry, produced by Germaine Ranglin (Barcodez Prod/Great Amazement), is a unique and refreshing poetic track for the young and old as Kirkland lashes out at those destroying the music. He pays his respects to his role model, Bounty Killer, and other veterans and pioneers of the music.

Kirkland said he gets very little attention for his achievements. In 2010, he received his first film award at the Jamaica Reggae Film Festival after he wrote, directed, and produced a short film, Ghetto Visit within 24 hours. In 2013, he received the Best Script and Best Director awards at Northern Caribbean University's Lignum Vitae Film Festival for his film Stay Firm. He has also received three awards at the annual PEABO Awards in Canada, where they honour outstanding promoters, entertainers, athletes, and business owners.

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