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Unfair Treatment of an Approve Permit, What Should You do?

by Miss chin
(Jamaica )

I've been applying for birthday parties permit ten years now for my 3 baby boys.

All got approved but when I go to it collect it I had to sit and wait for 1hour why?

Then after sitting down for so long, they gonna tell you that the superintended is not in they can't issue the permit why?

So why call me and tell me the permit approve and I should pay the necessary fee? What happens to that money I pay and still didn't get a permit?

And why is it so expensive in some parish to get a permit?

For this expenses of a 5 hour BD party is insane don't you think?

Answered by Kenroy

Thanks for your questions Ms Chin am going to try and answer your questions to the best of my knowledge.

Frist question Why you had to wait so long when you went to collect your permit?

In my honest opinion after you were told over the phone that the permit was granted you should have just walk in that office and picked it up. That's standard procedure.

Why weren't the Superindent in the office to sign your permit

That question I can't answer as I said before once you were told that the permit was ready, it should have already been signed.

What happened to all that money that you spend?

I have been in that situation where I applied for a permit for a dance and was only told that it was not granted the day before the event. I was told that the money paid is non-refundable.

Why Is It So expensive for a Permit in some parish

I know that there are some agencies which you have to pay before a permit is granted, these are:

Parish Council

The fees for all these agencies can sometimes run you close to $20,000 Jamaican dollars.

Honestly, I don't know why these fees are so high.

Hope that my answers shed some more lights on your questions.

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